Friday, July 4, 2008

Sun And Moon

There is all the step to make my symbol about moon and sun:

First i painted the sun first:

Second i painted the moon next the sun

Then, i had put the color for my picture before i scanned it

Finally, i cut it by photoshop and gave the theme for my sun and mon:

There is my sun and moon. What is the sun ??? Sun is a big big fireball in the space, and give the light for the world ( so that i give the white theme for sun) . Behind that, moon is just a little star, it is cool and appear at the night (so that i give the dark theme for moon). Our life cannot leave the light of the sun, and you can not forget how the beauty of the moon at night. With the sun, the life is forever and with moon the life need a peace.. Sun is the fire, and moon is the ice. The fire is hot enough to give a life, and the ice to cool is enough to keep the life.... (if you find a planet with have a ice you can find life in here, ice is the face of water)

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