Sunday, September 7, 2008

What is mariage???

Was talking to my best friend the other day and she told me she s getting married. Soon! Thing happens so fast. He loved her first. Then she began to love him. So the next thing must be marriage. Or what else people often call it? A happily ever after!

She seemed happy yet anxious. As the saying goes "Easy come, easy go"...and her love story is just so crazy easy to reach to a happy ending. No climbing mountain. No sailing through the oceans. No arguing. No fighting. Lol...maybe we both watched too many soapy movies. But isn't it true? Everything seems so fraigle when it comes to love and happiness...Too fraigle that we can't help questioning ourselves the same question over and over again ."Is that too good to be true?" "Would it last, or would it vanish into the thin air like any sweet dream must come to an end in the morning? "

Well, I'm sorry I can't help you find the answer. Love is always too much of a good thing. But maybe we can put it this way. Marriage is a beginning, never an ending. And believe me, you would have chance to deal with tons of obstacles, much more than any movie would be able to talk about. But even during the bad times, please always remember, my dear, that the best is yet to come

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